During lockdown an Irish Host Farmer, Francis, decided to build a Pizza Oven so that all of us could enjoy home-made, wood-fired Pizzas during the summer WWOOFing evenings we all so much enjoyed.
The clay had to be bought in from another County, but all the other materials were upcycled. These included bricks from an old Victorian House that was sadly being knocked, and used wine bottles as part of the insulation.
The first WWOOFers to arrive once lock-down eased, thoroughly enjoyed dancing to mix the clay. This took a while to create enough clay for the mortar and rendering. Summer then passed us by and it was the following year before WWOOFers Adelaide and Guillame joined us.
They were delighted to learn how to make the dome of the oven, excelling in their artistry to create “Galapagos George” the Tortoise (named because of his long legs).
Ever since then, we’ve enjoyed many pizzas during our summer evenings with WWOOFers.